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Is the earth flat or round it fixed or moving or spinning on an axis. Universe vs earth planet, sta

60 Views • 04/29/23
LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem

Flat or round earth spinning on an axis?

⁣[128] Since then the heaven and the earth comprise
the universe, we assert that the earth has been founded on its own
stability by the Creator, according once more to the divine scripture,
and that it does not rest upon any body; for in the Book of Job it is
written: He hangeth the earth upon nothing; and again (xxxviii, 4, 5, 6): Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? etc. And in like manner in David (Psalm cii, 5) it is said: He who laid the foundations of the earth upon its own stability. By the power, therefore, of the Deity who created the universe, we say that it was founded and is supported by him. Upholding all things, as the Apostle saith, by the word of his power.14

For if a body of any kind whatever were either underneath the earth
or outside of it, that body could not keep its place, but would fall
down according to what is seen always occurring in the natural world.
For if we take air, for instance, or water or fire, we find that things
which are heavier than these do invariably fall down in them. Since
therefore the earth is heavier than any other body whatever, the Deity
placed it as the foundation of the universe, and made it steadfast in
virtue of its own inherent stability. To illustrate this, let us suppose
a place to have a depth
|29 of a hundred cubits, and this place to be filled
with a body denser say than water; then if one should lift a stone with
his hand and drop it into the place, in what interval of time would it
reach the bottom? One may reply, in four hours, let us say. But further,
supposing the place to be filled with some rarer substance, air, for
example, in what interval of time would the stone now reach the bottom?
Evidently in a shorter time: in two hours, let us say. Supposing in the
next place a still rarer substance, then the bottom will be reached in
an hour, and with a yet rarer substance in half an hour. And again, if a
rarer still be supposed, the stone will touch the bottom in a still
shorter time; and so on until the body when attenuated to the last
degree becomes incorporeal, and the time ceases of necessity to be any
time at all. Thus then in the case supposed, where no body at all
exists, but where there is only the incorporeal, the heavy body of
necessity gains the bottom in no time at all and becomes stationary.

GrecoRoman theories of non-sense

Planets=stars=named by idols, demons, worshipped by Phoenicians=doctrines of devils =Astrology=wrong/guess taught to Greeks

Earth too heavy to be spinning on an axis, and spinning = collapse, constant earthquakes, dizziness etc in real natural world

⁣Earth's rotation
rotation or Earth's spin is the rotation of planet Earth around its own
axis, as well as changes in the orientation of the rotation axis in
space. Earth rotates eastward, in prograde motion. As viewed from the
northern polar star Polaris, Earth turns counterclockwise.Wikipedia

Axis = imaginary line (earth is imagined to be spinning on an imaginary line ) › us › dictionary › english › axisAxis definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

of a planet. 2. a real or imaginary straight line around which the
parts of a thing, system, etc. are symmetrically or evenly arranged or
composed. the axis of a picture. 3. a main line of motion,
development, etc. 4. an alignment between countries, groups, etc. for
promoting their purposes. 5.


In astronomy, an axis refers to the imaginary line that an object, usually a planet, rotates around. Earth's rotational axis is an imaginary straight line that runs through the North and South Pole. In our illustrations, Earth's axis is drawn as a straight red line.

THe Black Jews of Spain and Portugal , Isidore from Spain early Church fathers .. Isidore my family name to this day and Christian too ...

Black Portuguese and Spanish Jews who were exiled to the islands ... sugar cane etc, Jews were bringing sweet cane from a far country in the time of Jeremiah, same Jews who fled to West Africa, etc and rounded up as slaves sent to the AMericas; skilled in map making, geography, BIble knowledge, sciences, etc

Blackes They get little credit

The Blacks Negroes who taught the animals kindes Charles Darwin in Britain andthe Americas
Charles Darwin Failed Theory of Evolution

Examples of Failed theories in earth:

Spinning globe earth
Malthus population theory earth will collapse from too many people
Year 2000 end of the world failure of all computer systems
Climate Change proponents who do not follow their own theories
Ozone Layer ....
Veganism is healthier

[NOTES.--The cases of the sun, moon, and stars were made of aerial material, after the manner of lamps, and God filled them with a mixture of fire, which had no light in it, and with light which had no heat in it. The path of the luminaries is beneath the firmament; they are not fixed, as the ignorant think, but are guided p. 50 in their courses by the angels. The Ethiopians have a tradition that when the sun was first made its light was twelve times as strong as it is to-day. The angels complained that the heat was too strong, and that it hampered them in the performance of their duties, whereupon God divided it into twelve parts, and took away six of these parts, and out of three of them He made the moon and stars, and the other three He distributed among the waters, the clouds, and the lightning.]

2 Esdras 14:11
For the world is diuided into twelue parts, and the ten parts of it are gone already, and halfe of a tenth part.

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