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Jerusalem Mindset- Featuring Divine Prosect | Where Do We Go From Here?
2021 has continued with a firestorm of prophetic judgements on the world. As true Israel continues to awaken to our true identity, we must learn the tools necessary to escape the wrath to come. Join me for a power-packed discussion with Divine Prospect of Kingdom Harbinger Ministries to answer the question: Where Do We Go From Here? #ashandaatlarge #kingdomharbingerministries #the714movement #israelife
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More About Divine Prospect and KMB:
Divine Prospect is a proactivist, premiere scholar, ministry organization founder, and leader in his community. At 30 years old he founded Kingdom Harbinger Ministries to be a beacon of hope to his people. The organization's mission is clear from the tagline "Culture, Community, Autonomy". His conviction is that if you restore Israelite culture back to African-Americans they will become a more village-minded close-knit community working towards autonomy. It is through autonomy that the current societal ills that plague people of color can be reduced or eliminated. To him, implementing preventive measures to reduce adverse effects among his people is the only solution. He continues to lobby for justice, equity, education, development, human rights recognition, and cultural preservation in the black community. For his tireless efforts, he's received three awards from peer organizations acknowledging his extensive accomplishments. When he's not inspiring change in his community, he endeavors to bring innovative scholarship in the realm of ancient Pre-Exilic Israelite culture and delivering philanthropic programs and services such as credit repair and naturopathic health education to the less fortunate.
Cash App: $DivineProspect
678-430-3832 Mom - Fri 9am - 6pm EST
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