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My Children | A Prayer of Protection | Prayer Praise Worship | Lashawan Ahabah | Love Language

402 Views • 11/27/24
The KOYOC Podcast
The KOYOC Podcast
62 Subscribers

Lashawan Ahabah is a new segment of the Kingdom of YAH Over Culture Ministries, brought to you by Lashawan Ahabah means love language or language of love in the Ancient Hebrew tongue. The Ancient Hebrew word Lashawan means language or tongue (Strong’s H3956). The word Ahabah means love (Strong’s H160). As believers and followers of the Way of the Most High YAH, we use our "tongues," or rather language, to show love to the Father, His Son, Y’SHUA, Jesus The Messiah, and our neighbor. The Word tells us in Matthew 22:37-40, “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Master thy ELOHIM with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” We express this love through prayer, poems, praise, and worship. Whether you listen, recite, or say these prayers in your heart, Abba hears you. Let’s exalt Him together! Shalom!

A powerful prayer of protection for your children.

Heavenly Father,

Thank YOU for my children
YOU saw fit to bless me with children
YOU appointed me to care for them
And raise them up in Your ways
As I look around
There are so many distractions
So many things to keep our children
In temptation and covetousness
So many wicked people are raised up
To appeal to the children
That cause them to fall into idolatry
Father, please keep their eyes stayed on YOU
I pray a covering of protection over my children
I plead the blood of Jesus over my children
Your Word says train a child
In the way they should go
And when they are older
They will not depart
Write Your Word on their hearts O YAH
Intervene when the enemy is trying to
Come in to steal, kill, and destroy
Protect their minds O YAH
There is so much wickedness on
The televisions and social media
Please don’t let their minds be poisoned
By the things of this world
Renew their minds Father YAH
Give them a sense of confidence
That even if they go against the grain
They have the boldness to persevere
Fill their hearts with love Father
Only the love YOU give
Don’t let them thirst for love
And begin looking for it
In all the wrong places
Place Your angels over them,
Preserve them for Your will
Father I are raising Kingdom Kids
Your Word says who ever causes the little
Ones who believe in me to stumble
It would be better for him if a millstone were
Hung around his neck and he were thrown out
Into the sea
Require a reckoning for the children Father YAH
Protect their bodies Father,
Protect them from any illnesses and ailments,
Protect them from the wicked people
That want to do them harm Father YAH
As they grow up in a world full of wickedness
Let their light shine bright
So when people look at them
They see YOU, O YAH
Bless them with many talents O YAH
Bless them with intelligence
Witty ideas
Gifts of Your Ruach Hakodash
Cause Your face to shine upon them
Stay by their side Father
Put a hedge of protection of them Father
My children are YOURS
Thank YOU for lending them to me
I pray that I am leading them
In Your Ways
I love my children
I want to see them prosper through YOU
Give them a thirst for YOU
So they have a strong relationship with YOU
The enemy can NOT have my children
They are Chosen
Show them who they are Father
Show them their worth O YAH
No weapon formed against my children
Shall prosper
I pray all these things
In the Mighty Name of Jesus

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