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Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi: 6 billion don’t deserve to live

224 Views • 04/27/22
60 Subscribers

The "Jewish" (you wish) people have deceived so many people as they pretend to be part of the lineage of the true Children Of Yisra`el. Many Christians today are still deceived and convinced that they should bless (support) the Jewish people.

Therefore, this video is for those who are still suffering from that illusion. Listen to what some Jewish people have to say about how Christians should be treated!

I know his message will be a WAKE UP call for everyone who has been ⁣lullabied with their lies, regarding their indentity.

Rev 2:9 ⁣I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and ARE NOT, but are the synagogue of Satan.

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