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The Gift of Time | A Poem of Gratitude | Prayer Praise Worship | Lashawan Ahabah | Love Language

580 Views • 12/06/24
The KOYOC Podcast
The KOYOC Podcast
53 Subscribers

Lashawan Ahabah is a new segment of the Kingdom of YAH Over Culture Ministries, brought to you by Lashawan Ahabah means love language or language of love in the Ancient Hebrew tongue. The Ancient Hebrew word Lashawan means language or tongue (Strong’s H3956). The word Ahabah means love (Strong’s H160). As believers and followers of the Way of the Most High YAH, we use our "tongues," or rather language, to show love to the Father, His Son, Y’SHUA, Jesus The Messiah, and our neighbor. The Word tells us in Matthew 22:37-40, “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Master thy ELOHIM with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” We express this love through prayer, poems, praise, and worship. Whether you listen, recite, or say these prayers in your heart, Abba hears you. Let’s exalt Him together! Shalom!


What is time?
Time is a concept so hard to grasp
It is something we wish we had more of
But don’t know how much we have
Father, YOU gave me the gift of time
You allow me to go through daily trials
Just to show me
That time is too valuable to waste
You are the giver of time
You are the keeper of time
You also take away time
Everything is in Your perfect timing
As I go through this life
I wonder
Why things happen the way they do
I wonder
Why it takes so much time
To accomplish certain things
YOU, Father YAH, have it all planned out
I put my trust in YOU
Before we are born,
YOU have a plan for our lives
There is an appointed time for all things
There is a time to rejoice
And a time to mourn
Though we may want other things
Or other circumstances
Your Word says
Do not be conformed to this world
But be transformed
By the renewing of your mind
That you may prove what is that
Good and perfect will of YAH
Father, please allow me to prove
Your perfect Will
I want to tell the world about YOU
About Your goodness
Use me YAH
I love the way YOU perfect my life Father
I want to boast about YOU daily
Help me to be patient with Your timing
Help me not to be anxious about anything
But pray about all things
I want Your perfect peace
I want to abide in Your Son
Y’SHUA, Jesus the Messiah
He is the Alef and the Tav
The beginning and the end
The first and the last
Y’SHUA said behold I am coming quickly
And my reward is with me to give
To everyone according to his work
I pray YOU find me doing Your perfect will
How our time is so short
What is life?
It is a vapor
That appears for a little time
Then vanishes away
I can feel,
The end is near O YAH
How time is so precious
The test of this life is the only time we have
To prove if we are worthy to dwell with Y’SHUA
In New Jerusalem forever
I’m so thankful YOU saved me
YOU gave me time to come out of sin
And follow YOU
I don’t deserve Your grace and mercy
I love all that YOU see in me
Even when I can’t see it
Thank You YAH
For the free gift
of life and TIME
In Jesus Name I pray

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