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The proof that our God is with us Israel descendants

93 Views • 01/10/22
42 Subscribers

The proof that our God is with us- Israel descendants: - This video presentation by the Light of Zion: examines and presents evidence that our God Yahuwah is still with the descendants of Jacob/Israel that He has chosen for the establishing the kingdom of God of heavens at the appointed time. "They are not part of this world, just as I am not part of this world" is what the Messiah and leader of Israel stated.-John 17:14.
Therefore all who are called for the kingdom to come should examine these evidence depositions and hold on to them.
How is our God with us? What are the proofs? When will the present world be done away with? What should the chosen ones for the kingdom to come be doing now while we wait for that which is to come?
Watch and learn and be built up.
Pay attention as you watch this video. subscribe so that you can watch other related videos. It might change your life.
Prepping yourself for what is coming is the best way to ensure your survivability. Prepare yourself so that you are on the symbolical Noah's ark.
Awareness of what is foretold to occur and what is needed to survive is a key part of preparing for the day of Yahuwah.
This video tutorial will help viewers to be aware of things that were written as pieces of evidence that Yahuwah our God is with us. It also presented explanations to help viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.

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