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The Time of Jacob's Trouble will shock you!
The Time of Jacob's Trouble will shock you, described a period of
unparalleled hardship for the descendants of Jacob (Israel). It is both a
warning and a promise—a time of immense suffering, yet one that leads
to ultimate redemption. What makes this prophecy so shocking is the
depth of its fulfillment, its scope across history, and its undeniable
resonance with the experiences of the Israelites throughout the ages.
Babylonian, Assyrian, Greek, Roman, and Arabian captivities stripped the
Israelites of their land, culture, and dignity. Each captivity mirrored
the curses of Deuteronomy 28. Millions of Israelites were captured,
enslaved, and transported to the Americas under horrifying conditions.
They lost their names, languages, and identities, fulfilling the curse
in Deuteronomy 28:68: This speaks to both the physical captivity and the
spiritual suppression of the Israelite identity. #israelites #yahuah #yahusha #yahudi
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