Shalom Fam, we have completed the upgrade of our email system to ensure higher deliverability of messages. All Praise to The Most High Yah! Please allow us time to reply to any backlog of previous messages sent. We sincerely thank you for your patience!
What is a Hebrew Christian and why does it matter?
Many people today are confused about the identity of so called African Americans. The confusion carries on in the Christian community as many believers feel threatened by the idea that black Americans could be the true biblical Hebrews.
Today I share a portion of Scripture to help identify who we are and how that plays a role in our Christian walk.
Be as the Apostle Paul and live as a Berean, searching the Scriptures to see if what is being taught aligns with God's Holy Word.
****Clap back when you #JointheMOMent****
The My Ovaries Matter (MOM) Mission is about mobilizing black mothers who are serious about our homes. To take part in this movement, just #myovariesmatter to your content about black/Hebrew excellence in the family and community.
We are committed to black home/family restoration. That takes committed papas, too. We know true fathers are #dedicateallday. Let's hashtag these messages and get the word out that our families are made by God's design!
It's time for us to be at the forefront of changing our homes and community. Our goal is to change the world one womb and family at a time. That starts with you and me. So #myovariesmatter and #dedicatedallday to your social posts.
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****Check out my Facebook page for more Ashanda At Large podcasts and content plus your FREE copy of my new book: Girlfriend Mentality to Wife Reality. It's time to put our houses in order.****
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