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Who Are The Gentiles In The Bible l Learn the Truth

54 Views • 02/17/21
204 Subscribers

Are you a Gentile? Bible scholars told us who the Gentiles are and we just accepted it as true without really searching the scriptures to see if it was true. Who are the Gentiles in the Bible? You need to learn the truth. In order to interpret end time prophecies, understanding who the Gentiles are is extremely important. The clues are in the Bible. We just have to search it out. It would seem that there is an attempt to generalize the word “Gentile” in order to direct people away from the specific nations categorized as Gentiles as written in the Bible. In today’s session, we’re going to do some digging to see if religious leaders rightly divided the scriptures concerning the identity of the Gentiles.
#Whoarethegentilesinthebible #Areyouagentile

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