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16 Views • 07/29/22
Myra Waiters
Myra Waiters
38 Subscribers

The Book of Jasher Chapter 39 - The Researchers Library of Ancient Texts - The Apocrypha

Why The Elect Should Not Be Called Guys
(Myra Waiters 11/8/2011)

We must understand the words we use. If we want to grow spiritually, we must drop using any word or words that demise the work of MessiYAH in the lives of his people.
Guy Fawkes (/fɔːks/; 13 April 1570 – 31 January 1606),[a] also known as Guido Fawkes while fighting for the Spanish, was a member of a group of provincial English Catholics who planned the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605. He was born and educated in York; his father died when Fawkes was eight years old, after which his mother married a recusant Catholic.
Immediately before his execution on 31 January, Fawkes fell from the scaffold where he was to be hanged and broke his neck, thus avoiding the agony of being hanged, drawn and quartered. He became synonymous with the Gunpowder Plot, the failure of which has been commemorated in the UK as Guy Fawkes Night since 5 November 1605, when his effigy is traditionally burned on a bonfire, commonly accompanied by fireworks.
It was common practice during the 17th century to stuff effigies of Guy Fawkes with live cats. When the effigies were thrown on the bonfire, it would have the effect of the effigy screaming in agony. The cruel practice has thankfully been abandoned.
Etymology 1: Named from Guy Fawkes (1570–1606), an English Catholic hanged for his role in the Gunpowder Plot. - Noun: guy (plural guys)
1. (Britain) An effigy of a man burned on a bonfire on the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot (5th November). [Grotesque or ugly man]
2. (dated) A person of eccentric appearance or dress; a "fright".
3. (colloquial) A man, fellow.

The meaning of the word: Guy from Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary
Guy\'gi\ n [prob. Fr. Gei brail] (1623): a rope, chain, rod or wire attached to something as a brace or guide. Guy (1712) to steady or reinforce with guy, (1806) often Cap; a grotesque effigy of Guy Fawkes traditionally displayed and burned in England on Guy Fawkes Day. 2) Chiefly Brit: a person of grotesque appearance 3a. MAN Fellow b: PERSON use in pl. to refer to the members of a group regardless of sex (saw her and the rest of the guys). 4) Guy vt (1854): to make fun of.
We are a ‘holy’ people; therefore, we are sacred; we are not grotesque
Are we not carnal when we use such addresses for those who have been purchased and set aside for the purposes of the MOST HIGH YAH, and by the blood of the Lamb?

Guy: noun: guy; plural noun: guys meaning informally a man.
noun: guy; plural noun: guys
• British figure representing Guy Fawkes, burned on a bonfire on Guy Fawkes night.

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