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Young Man Young King | Spoken Word, Praise, Worship Encouragement | Lashawan Ahabah | Love Language
Lashawan Ahabah is a new segment of the Kingdom of YAH Over Culture Ministries, brought to you by Lashawan Ahabah means love language or language of love in the Ancient Hebrew tongue. The Ancient Hebrew word Lashawan means language or tongue (Strong’s H3956). The word Ahabah means love (Strong’s H160). As believers and followers of the Way of the Most High YAH, we use our "tongues," or rather language, to show love to the Father, His Son, Y’SHUA, Jesus The Messiah, and our neighbor. The Word tells us in Matthew 22:37-40, “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Master thy ELOHIM with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” We express this love through prayer, poems, praise, and worship. Whether you listen, recite, or say these prayers in your heart, Abba hears you. Let’s exalt Him together! Shalom!
Spoken Word Lyrics Written by Jamaar “Brotha Jack Jack”
Young Man Young King
they say that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder
Don't let the weight of the world on your shoulders control you
Look You can lean on the Word of YAH like a boulder
Yo the difference between Y'SHUA and your fiends is that he will never roll over ya
Young Man Young King you are worth your weight in gold
Don't let the world sell you little lies just to take away your soul
You have an inheritance Young King Did you know that son
Even though we go astray
YAH made a WAY for us to go back to him
The Father shared his Glory and his throne With his son
So when he come again
the nations are gonna bow down to em
Pick a side Pick a side Young Man Young King
It's a vibe It's a Vibe to be considered redeemed
Young Man Young King rightly divide the Word and find the red letters
Y'SHUA left a blueprint for you to do better
Sin separates us from eternal life with the Father
But by his Grace and loving mercy
He paid the price And he bought us
Young Man Young King put down that phone
Young Man Young King leave that poison alone
You know
Those flickering images on the screen it seems
At the tip of your fingers a woman doing things obscene
Only in your dreams could you only hope would ever happen
In real life a real wife is the ultimate goal of your satisfaction
Losing your soul with every stroke and every caption
The web is is interwoven with fake love fatal attractions
Sexual sins got you giving in again and again
Yeah your body is a temple you were bought with a price
That's why Y'SHUA took the blame for you it cost him his life
Young Man Young King
I see the pain in your eyes because you lost all hope
That's why you need the blood of Jesus the only way to atone
The only Way to the throne is when you pick up your cross
Its better to give up everything than gain the world at a loss
Today's the day
You make the change in behavior
To give your life to Christ the only one who can Save Ya
You mean so much to me Young Judah
My future
You are the seed of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
Keep your eyes on the Maker
He'll never forsake ya
Even when you feel alone
You can call on the Savior
Young Man Young King
My Son My Seed
The spark in my Eye
The skip in my step
The tears that I wept
To hold your frame in my hands
By your crib where I slept
The bearer of my image
I Love You and I See You
Young Man Young King
I hope to see you in the Kingdom
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