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⁣Hebrew Nation Building: Watch This First!

526 Views • 10/12/20
Hebrew Nation Building
Hebrew Nation Building
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⁣Hebrew Nation Building: Watch This First!

Our classic Hebrew documentary, "Watch This First"

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University of YHWH: The TRUTH Has NO Friends

Brother I really do enjoyed this video. However, I have aught against thee. please, STOP!! referring to yourself and other Hebrews in amerikkka as African American. We can't be African americans and at the same time be Hebrews. You must choose this day. Also, what about other Hebrews that was taken from Afrika and bought to the Caribbean, Canada, UK, Central and South American and throughout Europe. You have Hebrews in Brazil, Mexico, Jamaica, Uk ECT..In the video(I forgot which part, but you know where) you said "only African americans fit the part of Deuteronomy 28.
It brought tears to my eyes when you said that because that was not a fair claim. Look what's happening to our Hebrew people in Haiti, Jamaica, Brazil, S. Africa, Zimbabwe, and all over the world. To me the term African american is slave minded. We are not from here. We are Hebrews, Israelites from Afrika. But our ancestors were dropped off by the shores of the Caribbean, the americas, including south america and throughout europe. Some were left in Afrika to work the land for our enemies.
Please, moving forward.. We be Hebrews from Afrika...Deuteronomy 30:1-5 made it very clear that we are going back to our land Afrika, if we turn our hearts back to our GOD, YAH. So if we cleave to the term "African american" that simply means we are not full fletch Hebrews nor Afrikans...but rather half Afrikan and half amerikkkn.

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