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Health officials ban these foods from America in their countries but American society has been consuming these foods with these chemicals on it for years and people wonder why the state of health in America is the worst out of every nation in the world?! Like the bible says “ My people perish from a lack of knowledge “… #harmfulfoods #saynotoharmfulchemical #bannedfoods #foodsbannedinothercountries #cancercausing #cancercausingfoods #staywoke #stayeokeyall #findthetruth #searchfortrutheverywhere #wakeup #knowthetruth #truthshallsetyoufree

On Perfection | Matt 5:48 | Mel Tolbert
Matthew 5:48, HalleluYah Scriptures
This message covers what perfection in Yahuah is and how to achieve perfection and be circumspect in Yahuah.
#messianichebrew #qodeshim #qodesh #setapart #yahuah #praiseyah #perfect #perfection #consecration #circumspect #youcanbeperfect #hebrew #thehebrewawakening