How the LGBTQQIAAP community Hijacked ”Black” culture!!!
10/01/22 • 140 Views
Today June 16th, I finally see one of the major endgame moves made by the LGBT community, and it happened subtly over the course of 50 years!!!! We have had our community HIJACKED!!!
As a man born in the 70’s and raised up in the 80’s I have seen the many cultural shifts that have taken place in America and the world. I have seen many movements come and go. Yet one movement has been ever persistent and tenacious in pushing their agenda on our society... the then known LGBT community!!!
For over 5 DECADES the LGBT community has fought to be seen as akin to, and classified as being a minority or oppressed group of people.
Much like the JewISH community that seeks to silence any opposition by labeling those that disagree with them as anti-Semitic, the LGBT lobby want to dominate the narrative of what is true, and morally acceptable, all the while castigating and labeling anyone who does not agree with their sexually perverse lifestyle as being a racist, intolerant bigot.
Growing up in California I saw the tactics of the LGBT community first hand. I also saw them epically fail over and over again, as they tried to push their perverse agenda in our public school systems, and the public square by trying to associate themselves with the Black/Israelite and Hispanic community.
The problem was, they simply faced too many uphill challenges at that time...
America may be a sexually immoral country that pushes drugs, sex and rock n roll, but they were not going to openly push homosexuality, with dudes kissing and doing the most!
On top of that, the Black/Israelite and Hispanic communities saw through the thinly veiled deception and soundly rejected any association with them or their perverse lifestyle...
Although the Black/Israelite and Brown/Hispanic community have traditionally been accepting and understanding of our beloved family members struggling with homosexuallity and Lesbianism. They looked upon the LGBT community with utter disdain for even attempting to tie into and associate themselves as being a separate but equally viewed persecuted and oppressed minority group of people.
This is why the LGBT community has fought so hard to change public and scientific opinion on their perversion by pushing the lie and deception “We are born this way!”.
But when those tactics ALL failed... they didn’t give up... they just returned to the drawing board! Back to the dungeon to plot, devise and scheme!!!
After much deliberation, they finally devised a new plan...
instead of openly pushing an overtly Gay agenda, they switched up to pushing foreward Lesbianism, feminism, and female Bi-Sexualization into a plan that involved infiltration into;
news media
music production
Television media
Film production
and NewsPrint media.
But the granddaddy move of all time was the TARGETING, INFILTRATION & POSSESION of the BLACK community & culture!!!
The avenue of attack was to divide the already strained Israelite family by pushing Feminism, Lesbianism, Bi-Sexuality and fornication within our community!
Essentially, to TARGET, INFILTRATE, ASSIMILATE & POSSESS the culture and narrative of our people!
WHY??? Because we are anointed, and the appointed Kings and Queens of the entire Earth!
Also, because in life, there is no greater poster child for being the face of victimization, oppression and injustice than the Hebrew Israelite.. aka black man, woman and child!!!
So the LGBT community has worked tirelessly to insert themselves into the black struggle, community and culture!
So outside of adding new letters to add on to and expand their perverseness, they have insured they have anchored their ideology to our culture, history and heritage.
So in my assessment, outside of Gentile Christianity and the Black Boule Church, the greatest threat and enemy to our Israelite Nation has been the LGBTQ movement and political lobby!
Join me next time for part 2