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लोग और ब्लॉग

Not all Children of Jacob Israel wanted to be free, they forgot why they went into captivity in the first place, and were scattered into the four winds. Many still repeat the same sins, their foreparents taugt them and others have joined the enemies of Jacob's Children to their own demise, Psalm 83 , 2 Kings 17
Maroons do not practice chattel slavery, and were never compensated for "loss of slaves" by any Slave holding countries for slavery. Domestic servants are a part of the Children of Israel customs to this day, and days workers, or those who dwell with the families, and they are free to come and go based on the terms of their employment.
Obadiah, prophesy, Psalm 83

Book: The Jew, A Negro, Black American Indians are Negroes, from BC to AD West Indians BlackAmerindians Caribbeans, etc in the Americas, are from the 12 Tribes Children of Jacob/Israel.
Jamaican Caribbean Black Musher Alaska 1,150 mile Iditarod dog-SLED race
Which is hailed as one of the world's great endurance tests , in temperatures as cold as minus 40 degrees Celcius
Jamaican Carib,Indian. West Indians Negroe Black American Indians from 12 Tribes Children of Jacob/Israel.
Newton Marshall and his 16-dog team
Yukon Quest, Rookie
Black Aborigine American Indian sledders
West Indians
Alaska.species.wildlife.hunters in Jamaica
Response video to Afro Think Tank
I have questions for Indigenous Black Americans YouTube video
How following Jehovah's laws create longegivity. Generational wealth and survival of our tribes, lineage, and bloodline
Jerusalem map showing Akra n Accra in Ghana
Akan from Judah in Ghana n Jamaica
Hebrew Bible King James Edition 1611 with Apocrypha
How Black American Indians came to the West , when, and how they came to be called Indians West Indians or Amerindians
BC to AD Black Aborigines in Americas
1600,S AD How the Indians looked in America
Negroe Indians are not the same lineage as Hindoos. HINDUism is a heathen culture
The Jew , A Negro. Being a Study of the Jewish Ancestry from an Impartial Standpoint
The Eskimo, Esquimo. CLeopatra of Egypt, Black Page 22 to 25
The Destruction of the Indies by Bartholomew de Las Casas
Tasha Xi. Visits US Library of Congress to view the Black Indigenous Peoples of the Americas
Ogilvie John Ogilby
Both Men and Women rule our tribes and nations
Tribal lands to this day AD 2024
Chieftess Colonel Charles Town Maroons Jamaica, Marcia Douglas dies
The People Who Came to the Americas Book Series
Why Negroes went into slavery worldwide and why they share similar customs to Black people in Africa Europe Asia Holy Lands Pacific Americas etc
Obadiah prophesy on our people, lands that were stolen and invaded and enslaved
Black Knights of King Arthur's Round Table West Indian Negroes descend from them too, Crusades. Holy Warriors. Establish Christ kingdom on earth
Igbos in Nigeria compared to West Indians
$5 Indians (See Dane Calloway how $5 Indians came about)
Pale Faces
Deuteronomy 28 v 68 fulfilling on some Hebrews
Newspaper ads showing slaves had Hebrew names. Some of the tribes and nations they came from
How our nations and tribes dress, an example and its origin
Mixed fabrics, cloths.not.allowed. in dress raiment
How aborigine Negroes in the Americas may be related to Negritos in Phillipines, Pacific, Asia, etc
The Mongolians Chinese Japanese in the Americas who do they descend from
$5 Indians (Dane Calloway), Pale Faces and their Khazar Asian Turk Lineage
Buildings, tents, huts, wattle n daub, concrete, stone. Barbicans, castles, mansions, great houses, etc,
Music Gathering the Lost Sheep of the Tribes , the Gentiles, Nations, Christs kingdom, no Saint left behind
Grace Trillers Ninety and Nine
Chalice Good to Be There
Third World Try Jah Love
Fire Pon Rome Anthony B
When Israel Out of Bondage Came from Red Sea
Black Negroe Aborigine Vikings Sailors on Black.Negroe.Nations?KamalaHarris.Seaga.etc
A bastard shall dwell in Ashdod, prophesy

Dutty Zamba Boukman Bookman possible meanings of his names; his prayer
Psalm 2
Boukman's prayer
This prayer, from the ceremony at Bwa Kayiman, has been traditionally been ascribed to Boukman:
"The god who created the earth; who created the sun that gives us light.The god who holds up the ocean; who makes the thunder roar. Our God who has ears to hear. You who are hidden in the clouds; who watch us from where you are. You see all that the white has made us suffer. The white man's god asks him to commit crimes. But the god within us wants to do good. Our god, who is so good, so just, He orders us to revenge our wrongs. It's He who will direct our arms and bring us the victory. It's He who will assist us. We all should throw away the image of the white men's god who is so pitiless. Listen to the voice for liberty that sings in all our hearts."
Samba, drums music in Brazil among Negroes
Sambation River or Sabbath River where the 10 tribes of Israel dwelt by
Zambo.Negroes are called Samboes.
The Senegambia, was a region of West Africa where Sarai, Sarah Zahra. Abraham's wife's children dwelt, Zara and Pharez, were children of the Patriarch Judah.
Today part of that region is the Sahara and the Sahel,
Mali, Timbuktu, Center of learning for Jewes
Aphekah is also a city of Judah (Africa)
Africa inhabited by JUDAH and the Southern Kingdom was taken in 70 AD sacking of Jerusalem by Titus and Vespacian, and also in the transAtlantic slave trade Duet 28:68
› Dictionary › Aphekah
King James Bible Dictionary - Reference List - Aphekah
Aphekah used once. ... A city in the mountains of Judah. Joshua 15:53
Niger. Means Black in Latin.
Simeon also called Niger. A Jew.Disciple of Christ.
Arab Slave Trade
Trans,Sahara Slave Trade, practiced by Arabs and Ishmaelites since the days of Joseph the Hebrew, sold to the Ishmaelites and Midianites who sold him to the Egyptians.
I Maccabees , Apocrypha Holy Bible
Trans Atlantic Slave Trade
Acts 2 Christ Disciples left Jerusalem first many spoke Arabic Aramaic Greek Latin Hebrew Galilean.etc He sent them out to find the Lost Sheep of the House of Jacob/Israel
Bring back Maccabee Version by Max Romeo
Note 1: Other participants at the Bois Caïman ceremony were Georges Biassou, Jeannot Bullet and Jean François Papillon, all of which were leaders of the early Haitian Revolution.
See also
The Boukman Rebellion
GUINEA BISSAOU. West Papua, Papua New Guinea
Bois Caïman - The vodou ceremony that marked the beginning of the Boukman Rebellion.
Toussaint letter to Biassou during Boukman Rebellion - Toussaint who was giving medical services to the rebellion writes to his protege.
History of the Disasters in Saint-Domingue - Account of the revolutionary events of 1791 from a the view of a French perspective.
Hyacinthe - a houngan active in battles during the 1791 upraising in Haiti.
Geggus, David Patrick (2002). Haitian Revolutionary Studies (Blacks in the Diaspora). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. ISBN 0-253-34104-3.
Parkinson, Wenda (1978). This Gilded African. London: Quartet Books. ISBN 0-7043-2187-4
Espeut, Peter (Dec. 31, 2003). Two hundred years later. Jamaica Gleaner.
Fick, Carolyn E. (1990). The Making of Haiti: The Saint Domingue Revolution from Below. Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press. ISBN 0-87049-667-0.
Haïti Progrès: Exorcizing Boukman - Boukman and the effort by some to destroy the memory of Bois Caïman.
Hebrewisms of West Africa: From Nile to Niger With the Jews, The Dial Press, New York, 1931, by Joseph J. Williams
TIM,TOM Bible names
TIMBUKTU, TOMBUOCTOU Center of Learning for Jews in Mali , Africa
es Juifs à Tombouctou, or Jews of Timbuktu, Recueil de sources écrites relatives au commerce juif à Tombouctou au XIXe siècle, Editions Donniya, Bamako, 1999 by Professor Ismael Diadie Haidara
Cape Verde and Guinea Coast
Jews of Bildal El Sudan
Jews in Cape Verde and on the Guinea Coast, Paper presented at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, February 11, 1996, by Richard Lobban
Jews of Cape Verde: A Brief History. Brooklyn, NY: Sepher-Hermon Press, 1997, by M. Mitchell Serels
UNESCO Cultural Heritage Sites on the continent of Africa
Boukmann beheaded.saints beheaded , Planned Parenthood beheading Negroes in the womb
Revelations 13 to 19, Catholic, decretals, papal bills , expulsions
The Destruction of the Indies by Bartholomew de Las Casas
Psalm 137, Psalm 109, Psalm 83, Psalm 2, Psalm 1
Eating pork, drinking pig blood eating rat mouse and other abominations are against Jehovah's laws given to His Children by Moses and the Prophets
Simba mentoring program for endangered Black boys

Where do the Arab and Ishmaelite Edomite Nabatean Idumean idols in the Cabba in Arabia come from , why do they worship Abd,Allah, Mahomet's father, and why they fulfill Habakkuk 2-3, Psalm 83, Psalm 1, Psalm 2, Psalm 109, Obadiah, Psalm 53, Revelation 1-19, get the plagues in the book, those who add and remove from the scriptures in the Bible get the plagues.
Where does worship of Allah Cabba Mahomet Muhammad Mohamed Muslims Mecca Medina come from?
The Nabatean makers and keepers of the idols of the Caaba
Abd Alah is Mohammed father
Slave or servant of Alah it translates to
Muslims worship Mohammed, his father AbdAlah and the idols kept in the Caaba
Mohammed meditated in a cave for Hera a Greek idol goddess
Notice the Muslim paradise is full of sex with virgin see through women nymphs
The black stone in the Cabba looks like a vagina
Ancestor man-made worship:
Quran . Qoresh Tribe
Mohammed is a white man
The prophets of the Bible are Black
Mohammed genealogy
Bastards are defined as mixed bloodline and other types of marriages not lawful according to the Torah.
Mixed bloodlines such as King Herod his relation to the Nabateans . Herod was half Idumean and half Nabatean (Arab) .Herod who killed the Israelite boy babies under 2 years trying to kill Jesus Christ. Mixed Arabs from line of Esau and Ishmael. Esau married into Ishmael's bloodline. Koreish Quriesh tribe of Mohammed is Nabatean where the idols of the Cabba are kept. Allah is one of the idols that existed before Mohammad. Mosques , on Temple Mount, Synagogues of Satan to other idols fulfill prophesy of abomination of desolation in the holy place ; Romans were idolaters also Titus Vespacian standards (flags) with images, idols, pigs and unholy worst of the heathen people in Jerusalem 70AD prophesy fulfillment. Rev 2 v9 Rev 3v9 Rev 13 Joel they parted my land, prophesy against Ishmael and Edom, bastards and idolaters; A bastard shall dwell in Ashdod prophesy fulfilling
The Book of Idols by Al
Mohammed the white prophet with black slaves by D Wood
Mohammed was also the servant of a Christian woman named Khadijah who was his boss. All Mohammed children came from his 2 Christian wives and all his sons died to cut off his posterity
Sudan mixed breed Arabs still call blacks slaves
Islam is slavery for blacks
Things and idols to remove from your homes, schools, lives, churches
Muslims lie Abraham did not travel to Mecca or built idol there Abraham hated idols and served Jehovah . Muslims kissing black stone in Cabba that looks like woman vagina
Saudi Arabia tactics for grand development
Dubai's islands built upon sand still sit empty
Arabian sorcery , magic, idolatry , beads, amulets, skull caps, clothes, rings, superstition practiced to this day
The Is lamic call to pray to Muslim idols spreading worldwide must end in Jesus Christ of Nazareth name
100 percent proof Mohammed is the god of Islam false prophesy
How to answer liberals, AntiChrists, Satanists, idolaters, Rastafarians, Jehovah's Witnesses, Unbelievers, Sceptics, Ashkenazis, atheists, animists, sorcerers, Islam, Muslims, Arabs, Torah Only Hebrew Israelites, Hebrew camps blaspheming Mary's virgin birth and Jesus Christ of Nazareth, where in scripture does it say to worship Jesus Christ of Nazareth as God?
A J Hoover has a point when he contends:
“Moses didn't claim to be Yahweh; Socrates didn't claim to be Zeus; Zoroaster didn't claim to be Ahura Mazda; Mohammed didn't claim to be Allah; Buddha didn't claim to be Brahma. Only Christ claimed to be one with the God who sent him (John 10:30). Familiarity has dulled our ears to the wonder of his claims.” ( The Case for Christian Theism, 1980, 169)Jesus was no mere guide to truth or to God. No, he claimed to be much more than that and ties himself to his teaching and claims
.The authors of that primary school workbook need to wheel and come again! Clinton Chisholm is a retired Jamaica Baptist Union pastor and former academic dean of the Caribbean Graduate School of Theology. Send comments to the Jamaica Observer or
Joe Biden wants schools to teach Islamic lies and idolatry
Black Muslim Jacob Blake's father recite idol words from Quran for his son
Afghan bacha boys Muslim harems

Why Barbados, Caribbean, US, and other Blacks in Americas are taught to hate Jamaicans and hide history. Jamaicans have been on the forefront of teaching Blacks, Negroes, Christians, Righteous holy people worldwide to hold up their heads and stand up for their rights.
The original article was scrubbed, even from the Wayback machine and internet archive: Only snippets of it was found;
Barbados things looking bad the Caribbean,for sale
This is why people from Barbados hate Jamaica›this-is-why-people-from-…
Articles were scrubbed from the internet, even the Waybackmachine the article was :
This is Why People from Barbados Hate Jamaicans....
THE TRUTH IS, we were taught to hate JAMAICANS. As a little girl in primary school, our teacher taught us that Barbados was the jewel of the Caribbean. ... Why up to this very day are Jamaicans still considered aggressive, criminals and unduly outspoken?
Some of the Main Reasons Why People from Barbados...›2015/02/some-of-the-main-reasons-why-…
THE TRUTH IS, we were taught to hate JAMAICANS. As a little girl in primary school, our teacher taught us that Barbados was the jewel of the Caribbean. We were taught that any mad/crazy slave or any slave who could not take instructions, were shipped off to Jamaica.
The Barbadian response to “This is why people from...”›profiles/blogs/the-barbadian-…
Here is a response from a Barbadian about the Jamaican hate or no hate. On Sunday evening, I was sent an article which made serious accusations about Barbadians, our identity and the way that we are educated.
Jamaica's influence in the world
Jamaica is JuDah,
Jamaica is Judah capital of the Saints of Christ in the earth St Andrew St Ann St Thomas etc
Jamaica is Capital of Christendom,
Most Centenarians per capita in the earth
Swarthy Europe, some of whom went to Jamaica and the WEst Indies ,
Jehovah blesses his faithful fulfilling Proverbs 3v2
Swarthy europe Blacks Israelites Jacobites Jamaicans American West Indians
Theory,ofEvolution,n,Natural Selection, FailEd,Charles,Darwin
Kanye West, on 400 years of slavery, sounds like a choice comments
Kanye West Stirs Up TMZ Newsroom Over Trump, Slavery, Free Thought | TMZ
› home › reminiscing series › the jamaican who started the haitian revolution
August 14, 2020 - After Bookman’s death, Toussaint, Dessalines, Christophe, and others continued the fight. Dessalines declared Haiti’s independence in 1804, which was formally acknowledged by France in 1825. The memory of the Jamaican, Dutty Boukman, is honored in modern-day Haiti as the Haitian Revolution’s ...
› wiki › Dutty_Boukman
Dutty Boukman - Wikipedia
December 15, 2023 - A fictionalized version of Boukman ... about the Haitian Revolution. Haitians honored Boukman by admitting him into the pantheon of loa (guiding spirits). The Boukman ("Bouckmann") uprising is retold in the Lance Horner book The Black Sun. "The Bookman" is one of several devil ...
Ceremony at the Bois Caïman
Legacy and references in popular culture
› geography & travel › human geography › peoples of the americas › middle american indians
Maroon community - Jamaican Rebellions, Slave Resistance, Freedom Fighters | Britannica
July 20, 2016 - Maroon community - Jamaican Rebellions, Slave Resistance, Freedom Fighters: It is the Jamaicans, however, who hold the distinction of waging the most slave rebellions in the west per capita. Historically, two major groups inhabited either side of the Caribbean island, the Windward Maroons of ...
Jamaica,covenenting with PSalm83ers, Ashkenaz,Arab,Mexico,Latin,Chinese,Arab,Asians,ETC,selling,out,decountry,
Rev2v9,Rev3v9, antiChrists,
The Western Wall
Prime Minister of Jamaica Visits the Western Wall - The Official Website The Western Wall
June 17, 2020 - The Prime Minister of Jamaica, Mr. Andrew Holness, visited the Western Wall on Friday, accompanied by the Chabad emissary, Rabbi Yehoshua Raskin, and the Rabbi of the Western Wall, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz.The Prime Minister began his visit with a new project of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation ...
Free,Fertilizer,from,MoRROcco,while,our,,Sahara,n,Africa,suffer,stateless,no help,not,aword,on,de genocide,inde,Congo.orCHristian,slaughters,inNigeria,by,ISlamists.ETC. or,police,brutality,n,jailing,n,abortion,in,Black,America,perpetrated,byWHT,nASkenaz.
Jamaica gets fertilizer shipment from Morocco amid global shortage
March 24, 2022 - The gift of 1,200 metric tons of fertiliser from the Kingdom of Morocco, North Africa
Cayman Islands - Wikipedia
3 days ago - Slavery was abolished in the Cayman ... 950 slaves of African ancestry, owned by 116 families. On 22 June 1863, the Cayman Islands was officially declared and administered as a dependency of the Crown Colony of Jamaica....
State› countries › cayman-islands
The Cayman Islands - Countries - Office of the Historian
January 10, 2023 - The 20th Century: The Cayman Islands, initially administered as a dependency of Jamaica, became an independent colony in 1959; they now are a self-governing British Overseas Territory.
LA Lewis Jamaica has the oldest bridge in the world? In Spanish Town?

Nanny of the Maroons, how did she get her name, how did she get her war skills to defeat the greatest military force in the earth at that time
How did Jamaica Nanny of the Maroons get her name and war skills? Ashan city of Judah. Joshua 15v42, APHEKAH, Joshua 15v53
Mary Queen of Scots, Female line of Kings and Queens, Queen and Mother to King James the I and VI
Naani, Nani, Nanny, Nanah. NYah. Niah. Nuna. Nonna. Naneh. Naani. Nun. Nay,Nay.Ne.Ne.Nanci. A,NAN.SI.
1 Chronicles 3:19
And the sonnes of Pedaiah were: Zerubbabel, and Shimei: And the sonne of Zerubbabel, Meshullam, and Hananiah, and Shelomith their siste
Charles Town Maroons, Catherine Peak Maroons
Nanny Town Maroons
Maw Maw Mama (Chief or Chieftess in Welch) Cardiff Hall Maroons
Mama Gwen, Gwenni Gwynni , Portland Maroons of the Blue and John Crow Mountain Holy Well Newcastle, Janga Gully, etc, Queen, Chieftess, JLP
The lives of the British Saints : the Saints of Wales and Cornwall and such Irish Saints as have dedications i n Britainby Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine), 1834-1924
Cardiff Hall Maroons, Jamaica West Indies , North America
Cornwall Middlesex Surrey
Publication date 1907-1911 Topics Christian saints -- Wales, Christian saints -- England Cornwall (County), Christian saints -- Ireland, England -- Ecclesiastical history, genealogyPublisher London : For the honourable Society of Cymmrodorion by C.J. Clark
Accompong Maroons
Hanan (merciful)
Hanani (gracious)
Hananiah.Gift of God
Son of Zerubbalel. 1 Chronicles 3v19 from whom Christ derived his descent. He is the same person by St. Luke called Joanna. BC after 536.
Nun (fish. Or posterity) father of Captain Joshua. Exodus 33:11, Ephraim descent 1 Chron 7. BC before 1530
Nuns.Holy Virgins serving in the Church
The Israelites of Jamaica
Duty Bookman, the Jamaican Maroon who started the Haitian Revolution
The Black Jacobins of Haiti
Haiti Jacobites Trinidad
The term “Jacobites” refers to supporters of the deposed King James II of England and VII of Scotland and his descendants, who sought to restore the House of Stuart to the British throne. This is distinct from the context of Haiti and the Haitian Revolution, which was a successful slave uprising against French colonial rule in Saint-Domingue (now Haiti) that led to the founding of a free state in 1804.
The book “The Black Jacobins” by Trinidadian historian C. L. R. James focuses on the Haitian Revolution and the leadership of Toussaint L’Ouverture. James places the Haitian Revolution in the context of the French Revolution and examines the brutal conditions of slavery and the social and political status of various groups leading up to the revolution. The book challenges conventional historical narratives by highlighting the revolutionary ideals embraced by the persecuted blacks of Haiti and the dynamics of the Caribbean economy and European feudal system during the era before the Haitian Revolution.
Trinidad and Tobago, a nation located in the southern Caribbean Sea, is the birthplace of C. L. R. James, the author of “The Black Jacobins.”
If the men, the disciples of Jesus CHrist will not follow Peter, and continue the work of Christ kingdom in their generations, the women will
The Slaveholders'Democracy practiced by the pale faced Greco Romans, see Lysias, the Orator, Gorgas, the Lyricist,Orator Generals, defeated by the Maccabees,Levites,in the Book of Maccabees, I , II, III, III
See the Scots Hall Maroons and the ton of Macs, in their lineage and bloodline and the same war tactics and prayers used then and now and to separate and live apart from the heathens
Strange peoples infiltrating Maroon nations, in Jamaica and the Americas to steal resources, and turn the people to customs that cause them to err and incur the wrath of Jehovah
The Black Jacobins : Toussaint L'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution
by James, C. L. R. (Cyril Lionel Robert), 1901-1989
The Psalmists Spoken to Music
Psalm 23, A Psalme of King David
Ghana President Nana Addo Akufo Addo
The Janga.Gully.Windward.Maroons of Portland. Jamaica are related to the full blooded Yanga. Maroond, Black President of Mexico who freed the Negroes. The Maroon Seminoles, FloridaBlack Seminoles. Captain John Horse. The Indian wars, Seminoles, were Recorded as the Blackest and fiercest Indians. Vera Cruz.Guerrero.related to the Holy Warrior.Maroons of the Blue and John Crowe.Mountains
Nyanga. Gaspar Yanga. Mexico Maroon Chief
A.nani.ah. Daniel Azariah.
Michel Judeans. Babylon
Saints of England's Golden Age | PDF | Saint | Eastern Orthodox Church
Saints of England's Golden Age - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document is an introduction to a book compiling the lives of saints from England's "Golden Age" between the 6th-8th centuries. It discusses how England has a significant Christian inheritance preceding the Norman Conquest. The book contains lives of lesser known English saints, aimed a…

Brother Polite Garfield Dagger Squad Saneter TV blaspheming the Most High Yah, His Prophets, scoffing that there was no way the story of Jonah in the Bible is true ... I did this video and many others to prove them wrong and to exort them to repent, they did NOT the 20 minute time mark in video
A few years later 2023 Brother Polite , aka Michael Nowack (Polish German Jew name) how ironic ... is arrested for sins the Bible says NOT to do
Brother Polite with the Ashkenazi, Polish JEw name: The Black Jews of European descent
Michael Nowak aka Brother Polite
Fulfilling Bible Prophesy
I TImothy 3
6For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and leade captiue silly women laden with sinnes, led away with diuers lusts, › 2021 › 08 › 20 › brother-polight-arrested-for-sexual-battery-of-girlfriends-daughter
Brother Polight Arrested For Sexual Battery Of Girlfriend's Daughter ...
August 20, 2021 According to a confirmed report from NBC Miami, inspirational speaker and media influencer Brother Polight surrendered to police on Monday following an allegation that he... › news › local › social-media-influencer-arrested-for-february-assault-of-teen-in-miami-beach › 2532601
Motivational Speaker Arrested for February Assault of Teen in Miami ...
Michael Noak Jr., also known as "Brother Polight," surrendered to police Monday for the alleged sexual battery of a 14-year-old girl in a hotel room in February. The alleged victim is the... › v3fqcjk-brother-polight-aka-michael-nowak-sentenced-to-7-years-prison-for-violating.html
Brother Polight Sentenced To 7 Years Prison For Sexually ... - Rumble
3 days agoBrother Polight Sentenced To 7 Years Prison For Sexually Assaulting Girlfriends Daughter!
"Brother" Polight Polite with the Ashkenazi, German, Polish Jew name lineage Michael Noak or Nowak ... shooting up the Holy Bible, and now getting the plagues listed in the Holy Bible. He was warned years ago to repent ... Arrested and sentenced to 7 years in prison, 10 years probation for the sins , that the Bible said NOT TO DO...
Leviticus 18:17 Thou shalt not vncouer the nakednesse of a woman and her daughter, neither shalt thou take her sonnes daughter, or her daughters daughter, to vncouer her nakednesse: For they are her neere kinsewomen: it is wickednesse.
"Brother" Polight Polite with the Ashkenazi, German, Polish lineage Michael Noak or Nowak ... shooting up the Holy Bible, and now getting the plagues listed in the Holy Bible whoredom, mother daughter , blasphemy , ETC:
He was warned years ago to repent ... Arrested and sentenced to 7 years in prison, 10 years probation for the sins , that the Bible said NOT TO DO...
Hebrews 13:4
Mariage is honorable in all, and the bed vndefiled: but whoremongers, and adulterers God will iudge.
ISUPK's Captain Tazaryach Almost Fights Polight Over White Israelite (HD)
Polight And Tazaryach Set Fire To The Streets, Saneter TV
Africa Bambaata, Dr. York, Polite, etc pedophiles and predators in the Black community

We all know there are certain words you cannot say on YT.
We all know there are videos containing very important information that have have been taken down by YT.
I found a few of those videos on Hebrew Connect. Very informative videos that can assist you in how to prepare for what's coming next.
Sign up today! click the links below and get connected.