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Cross Crucifixion Accursed Tree Christ died on a cross not a real green tree. A cross is also calle

24 Views • 03/19/25
LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem

How to know the definitions at the times when the events happened, and words can mean different things in English based on the context, defiition and times, how to interpret scripture and language accurately

several years ago the word gay the definition was happy, with the rise of Sodom the word was hijacked by Sodom, who want to redefine sex, which is male or female, tree is a similar word,

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9 days ago

Thank you so much for, I made a post and TicTok refuse to post it also stated that if I make a post like it again I would be banned. I only spoke the truth by stating gay used to mean happy and that in some countries a fag means a cigarette and what the scriptures say about the rainbow. You are so correct.

LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem

Many of my channels were deleted from all major social media platforms worldwide , been attacked since 2013 for teaching the truth, the Gomorrites will fail no doubt about it, the sinners all lose in the end

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