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Follow Yahushua our chief agent of life

51 Views • 01/14/22
42 Subscribers

Follow Yahushua our chief agent of life: - This video presentation by the Light of Zion: explains the reason the chosen ones of Israel/Jacob must follow Yahushua the chief agent of life for all Israel descendants. Yahushua declared "“You are searching the Scriptures because you think that you will have everlasting life by means of them; and these are the very ones that bear witness about me..-John 5:39.
Yes, in the scriptures Our God Yahuwah bore witness about the one He has chosen to deliver his chosen people, descendants of Israel, and then lead them all. Isaiah 42:21-24 It is written "For the sake of his righteousness, Yahuwah has taken pleasure in magnifying the law and making it glorious. 22 But this is a people plundered and pillaged; All of them are trapped in the holes and hidden in the prisons. They have been plundered with no one to rescue them, And pillaged with no one to say: “Bring them back!” 23 Who among you will hear this? Who will pay attention and listen for the time to come?24 Who has given Jacob for pillage And Israel to the plunderers? Is it not Yahuwah, the One against whom we sinned? In His ways, they refused to walk, And His law they would not obey."
For centuries, God's chosen race and people have been plundered and pillaged by the peoples of the nations. But our God has raised a deliverer for the whole house of Jacob.
In Isaiah 44:13 Yahuwah our God declared, "“I have raised up a man in righteousness, And I will make all his ways straight. He is the one who will build my city And set my exiles free without a price or a bribe,” says Yahuwah of armies."
Yes, Yahuwah has raised up for Israel's descendant a deliverer, a leader, and king to gather and restore Israel at the appointed time. All chosen ones must follow this one if we are to see the salvation of our God.
Therefore all who are called for the kingdom to come should follow that fine line and pattern set by our leader and those who have gone ahead of us.
How are you in the world and yet not part of it? What is the world that the chosen ones should not be part of? When will the present world be done away with? What should the chosen ones for the kingdom to come be doing now while we wait for that which is to come?
Watch and learn and be built up.
Pay attention as you watch this video. subscribe so that you can watch other related videos. It might change your life.
Prepping yourself for what is coming is the best way to ensure your survivability. Prepare yourself so that you are on the symbolical Noah's ark.
Awareness of what is foretold to occur and what is needed to survive is a key part of preparing for the day of Yahuwah.
This video tutorial will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur before the kingdom of God arrives. It also presented explanations to help viewers to understand the need to keep following our true messiah and not the false one Jesus Christ.

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