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Women Teachers - False Prophetess Teachers vs Prophetess Teachers - Bishop William Brown - Part 1

551 Views • 09/23/24
Benayah Israel
Benayah Israel
675 Subscribers

⁣Women Teachers - False Prophetess Teachers vs Prophetess Teachers - Bishop William Brown - Part 1

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Berean Study
Berean Study
5 months ago

Shalawam family. As a women I have listened closely to this 3 times to ensure I was hearing what I thought. I agree there are many false teachers including men and women that teach erroneously. Our brothers can be just as emotion driven as women. Some good points mentioned here was the spirit of manipulation which will never draw people to Abba Yahuah. Those manipulations are full of deception and self amnition. However, scripture tells us a few things we should consider. Titus 2:3-5 explains how we should as older women teach younger women. When groups of women gather and Yahuah is being exalted it is a beautiful thing. When Proverbs 31 women teach those younger than them our community grows to be the Hebraic women we are called to be. TMH spirit comes to draw us close to him. The body of followers of Ha Mashiach belong to Yahuah not any men or women therefore we must be mindful our brethren are not "our people". I love the edification presented here in this video but I did have some thoughts about this teaching. Leaders in assemblies must watch out for the weaker vessels. All praises to the Most High Yahuah.

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