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10/26/20·Phim & Hoạt hình·00:54:24
Hidden Hebrews 3 - The Lawless Hebrew
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Or Become a monthly 1$ Patreon Supporter Today - Partial List of References Can be Found Below)Hidden Hebrews 3 uses references of antiquities to describe impact of Rome's Inquisition on so called Blacks or People of Color. References reviewed describe how the church persecuted and killed over half of the black Jews. Incredibly, the Christian church persecuted its Black Jews by burning during Sunday service!!!The History of the Inquisitionby Limborch, Philippus van, 1633-1712page – 127 - 128(Shows Why Jews Became Christians)Afro-Europe International Blog Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature, Volume 57edited by Tobias George Smollettpage - 141A new voyage to Italy : with curious observations on several other countries, as Germany, Switzerland, Savoy, Geneva, Flanders, and Holland : together with useful instructions for those who shall travel thitherby Misson, Maximilien, 1650?-1722; Jephson, Charles, active 1736-1748; J. and J. Bonwickepage 138Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central AfricaBy Dixon Denhampg 264***Bonus Reference***Systematic Theology a Compendium and Commonplace BookDesigned For the Use of Theology StudentsBy Augustus Hopkins Strong D.D published 1886page 243 “the Dark Jews of Spain”The History of the Inquisitionby Limborch, Philippus van, 1633-1712page – 134(Shows Why Jews Became Christians)**Bonus Reference***John Bellows Letters and Memoirpg 145“It was to me marvelously interesting. Many nationalities were represented ; but the majority were Asiatic Jews, black-eyed, dark-featured…”Benedict De SpinozaTractatus Theologico-Politicusby R. H. M. Elwespage xix (Introduction)The History of the Inquisition Volume IIby Limborch, Philippus van, 1633-1712page – 114(Shows Laws of YAH outlawed by Pope)KJV Bible (The Holy Days of YAH)Leviticus 23:1-6Exodus 12:17-24Mathew 26:1-2Mathew 26:17-18Mark 14:12Luke 2:41Acts 20:6Commentaries on Hebrew and Christian MythologyBy Judge Parish B Ladd LL.B of the San Francisco BarPage 196-197The Inquisition Unmasked: Being An Historical And Philosophical Account Of The Tremendous Tribunal V1 By Antonio Puigblanchpage 102The history of the inquisition of Spain, from the time of its establishment to the reign of Ferdinand VII : composed from the original documents of the Archives of the Supreme Council and from those of subordinate tribunals of the Holy Officeby Llorente, Juan Antonio, 1756-1823page 525page 269A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Agesby Lea, Henry Charles, 1825-1909page 418Lea, Henry Charles (2012-05-11). A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages (Complete - Volume 1, 2 and 3) (Kindle Location 7454). . Kindle Edition. Page 348 (Sunday Became Prescribed for it)page 374 (the prisoner who refused to confess)page 380 (both bishop and inquisitor is present)Voices From Captivity: A Series of Prison Scenes and SketchesBy the Rev J.R. Beard 122Model of the Prison and Holy Office of the Inquisition in Portugal, constructed by W. Y. (Narrative, etc.).William YOUNG (H.P., British Service.)1829page 15-16 (Brief Description of the tortures - called treatments)Timpson, Thomas, 1790-1860. The Inquisition revealed : in its origin, policy, cruelties, and history : with memoires of its victims in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, England, India and other countires . London : Aylott and Jones. page 259 (colored people)Model of the Prison and Holy Office of the Inquisition in Portugal, constructed by W. Y. (Narrative, etc.).William YOUNG (H.P., British Service.)1829page 15-16 (Brief Description of the tortures - called treatments)A Caveat Against the Pretender: Being a Short, But Impartial History of Some of the Assassinations, Murders, and Inhumane Slaughters, Committed by Papists Upon Protestants: with a Particular Account of the Massacres of Ireland and Paris,..J. Morley, 1723page 84The Religious Ceremonies and Customs of the Several Nations of the Known World: The ceremonies of the Roman CatholicksBernard Picart, Jean Frédéric BernardPrinted for Nicholas Prevost, and comp., 1731 page 304 (Auto De Fe Solemized on Sunday) The Inquisition Unmasked: Being an Historical and Philosophical Account of that Tremendous Tribunal, Founded on Authentic Documents; and Exhibiting the Necessity of Its Suppression, as a Means of Reform and Regeneration, Written and Published at a Time when the National Congress of Spain was about to Deliberate on this Important Measure, Volume 1Antonio PuigblanchBaldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1816 page 104 (burned Jews)The inquisition revealed in its origin, policy, cruelties, and Timson, Thomaspage 199Shalom!