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Arabians Islamists Cabbaists, Infiltrating Jamaica & Maroon country with spies and lies Jeremiah

13 Views • 03/08/25
LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem

Jihad Jizya, Blacks taking money from Arabs to spread Islam and steal their souls, lands nations worldwide
Jeremiah 10, Exodus 20

⁣Prostrate fall worship is from the Bible, Christian worship long before Islam Christen in Americas from BC to AD

Grace Thrillers, All Hail the Power of Jesus Name let angels prostrate fall

Why Children of Jacob/Israel went into transatlantic and Arab slavery for worshipping idods of Arabia, Cabba etc.

Israelites were in Arabia and surrounding countries see Psalm 83, Jeremiah 10, Catholike wooden idols and Islamic cabba stone in the desert led to slavery among other sins see Deuteronomy 28 , Egyptology, etc

PROSTRATE WORSHIP LONG BEFORE ISLAM, GIVING THANKS TO JEHOVAH FOR DELIVERANCE, BLESSINGS, VICTORIES, etc practiced by Maroons , for victorie, for kings and queens, and arriving and returning safely from travels

It was JUdah, who practices guerilla warfare used by Maroons as well see Complete Works of Flavius Josephus

2 Samuel 14:4
¶ And when the woman of Tekoah spake to the king, shee fell on her face to the ground, and did obeysance, and said, Helpe, O king.

1 Samuel 25:23
And when Abigail saw Dauid, she hasted, and lighted off the asse, and fell before Dauid on her face, and bowed her selfe to the ground,

2 Chronicles 20:18
And Iehoshaphat bowed his head, with his face to the ground: and all Iudah, and the inhabitants of Ierusalem, fell before the Lord, worshipping the Lord.

1 Samuel 20:41
¶ And assoone as the ladde was gone, Dauid arose out of a place toward the South, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himselfe three times: and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, vntill Dauid exceeded.

Medina in Saudia Arabia is a relatively new name, the Children of Jacob/Israel lived there under the old name
Paul went to the JEws or Israelites who lived in Arabia to tell them the gospel of the good news of Chist Kingdom
See also Acts 2, Children of Jacob Israel from Arabia were there

Tripoli is in St Ann Jamaica, Alexandria from Egypt, the place names where the Jacobites lived go with them worldwide

Yallas does not mean Islam as no mosques were in Jamaica , the West is fully Christendom for thousands of years from BC to AD

Yah' Is the name of Yahovah, the Eternal Living One
Y'ALL in the WEst is You all
AS, US, AM, IUS, is part of the end names for Children of Jehovah eg Iud'as or Judas

Medina is a herb also used in Maroon culture
Some slaves also came to Jamaica , very few who were worshiping ISlamic,idols

Jews of Timbuktu, was a center of learning for many Israelites who ruled the earth at that time including Europe
If Islamic countries were so learned, they would not have majority of the failed states in the earth in AD 2024, the knowledge would have transcended generations but it did not
Many Islamic countries do not have post offices, or street addresses and import skilled labour worldwide including from Jamaica to complete their projects and develop their countries

The Maroons have majority Hebrew, Chaldee, Aramaic, Christian Saints names, not Islamic .. Jamaica is 98% Christian nation , see National Anthem, National Pledge dedicate to Jehovah, Eternal Father ...

Jihad,expansion stealthily while Jesus told his disciples to keep watch and to put on the full armour as the battle is to the end

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1 day ago

Where these White Muslims come from! 🤣

LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem

They come from Lebanon , Syria, Arabia, etc, they have been infiltrating the Caribbean for a few years now, one in power in Guyana, they are heavy in Suriname, Trinidad, Michigan, Europe, Venezuela, etc and the Black Muslims in US, are financed by them

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