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Get It Together Black America | A Dr. Barbara Sizemore Lecture

52 Views • 08/31/22
Elliston Stone-Music
Elliston Stone-Music
33 Subscribers

We have to get it together black America if we are serious about improving our overall conditions here in America. Dr, Barbara Sizemore is a dedicated educator and educational theorist Barbara Sizemore applies the expertise she acquired at premiere institutions to work on behalf of disadvantaged students. Sizemore was born on December 17, 1927, in Chicago. Upon completing a B.A. in classical languages at Northwestern University, she began teaching in the Chicago public school system. Sizemore returned to Northwestern and received an M.A. in elementary education in 1954. Twenty-five years later, she graduated from the University of Chicago with a Ph.D. in educational administration. This lecture is her rally cry to black America for us to fix the issues we can fix, and not continue to add to the problems we already have. Get it together black America.

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