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Must See Interview with Leader of Lemba Tribe: Did He Really Say That?
Bro GoBlack2Africa interview with a member of the Lemba tribe in Zimbabwe. Family, please put on your Critical Thinking Caps and ask:
1-Why is the Lemba tribe waiting for the Messiah?
2-Why are they wearing all-ish customs, including the beanie? The interviewee indicated ish followed them.
3-If this is true, are they Northern tribes that do not acknowledge Yashuah?
4-Why did the Lemba tribe send the president, not the Rabbi, teacher, or elder, to speak to GoBlack?
5-Was all of the info within the interviee's responses genuine?
1 John4:1 tells us to try the SPirit. 1John4:4 reminds us of the anti-Messiah, and 1 John4:6 tell us if there is the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. Pray about this family.
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