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The Awakening and the resurrection of Negro Israel on the last days explained

72 Views • 03/19/21
42 Subscribers

Yahuwah the God of Israel is the one who proclaimed that He will leave his people of Israel alone and go away until they complete serving the punishment for all their errors. He promised to return in the last days of their 2000 years punishment to resurrect or awaken Israel from the dead.
Therefore, let it be known that the awakening of the Hebrew Israelite descendants that we are witnessing today is the fulfillment of what is foretold by Yahuwah through the mouth of his prophets.
Yahuwah will awaken/resurrect all the people of Israel - (The good and the bad). Then He will choose the ones who will be returned to serve Him in his holy Mountain- Zion.
#The resurrection, #The Awakening, #The final judgment

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