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update on open door un vs russa conflict

73 Views • 04/30/23
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2nd Esdras 16:1Woe be unto thee, Babylon, and Asia! woe be unto thee, Egypt and Syria!
2Gird up yourselves with cloths of sack and hair, bewail your children, and be sorry; for your destruction is at hand. 3A sword is sent upon you, and who may turn it back? 4A fire is sent among you, and who may quench it?

2 Esdras 12:1 While the lion was saying these words to the eagle, I looked 2 and saw that the head that had prevailed disappeared, and the two wings (CHINA & RUSSIA) that had gone over to it rose up so that they might rule, but their rule was weak and chaotic. 3 I watched as they disappeared, and the whole body of the eagle was burned; the earth was filled with fear... 29 “As for your seeing the two small wings (CHINA & RUSSIA) passing over to the head on the right, this is the interpretation: 30 The Most High is keeping these for the eagle’s end. This rule will be weak and full of upheaval, 31 as you saw.

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