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Jerusalem Mindset- Empowering Mamas featuring Sis Dania Thomas
The Most High has uniquely blessed his daughters to bring forth life. Yet, the enemy of our souls has long tried to devour our heritage. Let's discuss the power of the Israelite Mama to stand for life.
Check out info about Sister Dania, I Am Mended and Empowering Mama conference below:
This is a FREE virtual conference for currently pregnant mothers. We will be giving away electronic gift cards , please register at to receive the conference zoom link 💞
Confession for Healing from past abortion(s):
I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus - 1 Peter 1:18,19
I believe that the same Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives and dwells in me, and He will also quicken my mortal body - Romans 8:11.
Every day as I wait upon the Lord, He renews my strength. I rise up as the eagles. I will run and not get weary, I will walk and not faint - Isaiah 40:31.
God has redeemed me out of the hand of the enemy and I say so. I am the redeemed of the Lord - Psalm 107:2.
Read Deuteronomy 28. I am blessed coming in and going out. I am blessed in my body. I serve the Lord and He blesses my bread and water and He takes sickness away from the midst of me - Exodus 23:25. •
God sent His Word to heal me and deliver me from all destruction - Psalm 107:20. •He is the Lord that healeth me - Exodus 15:26.
I attend to His Word because God's Word is life to me and health to all my flesh - Proverbs 4:20
By Jesus' stripes I was healed - Isaiah 53:4,5; 1 Peter 2:24.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name and forget not all His benefits. Who forgives all my iniquities and heals all my diseases; who redeems my life from destruction; who crowns me with loving-kindness and tender mercies; who satisfies my mouth with good things so that my youth is renewed like the eagle's - Psalm 103:1-5.
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