Shalom, we are almost done restoring and reconnecting all user video content that was affected in the March 11th outage. We thank all of you that have prayed for us and given financially to assist us in restoring access and content. Todah Rabah!
PINTEREST is DESTROYING My Account I'm losing 100,000 views everyday YAHSHARAL 100% PROOF
Yahsharal Pinterest is destroying my account! I am literally losing 100,00 views a day because they changed their algorithm. I thought I would see a ton of People complaining and making videos about the change hurting their accoounts on youtube But it's been CRICKETS!!! after 2 weeks I was like wow are they just shadow banning me? I got a HUGE HISTOR/ HEBREW ISRAELITE BOARD on Pinterest and youtube already BANNED My CURSES Movie Worldwide! So I should've known. But it's still surreal... Well as aTrue HEBREW DOES... I am at work now figuring out their new algorithm. I have a FInance, Work from Home, Make Money Online Channel that I just released called YES YOU CAN LIFEZONE.. Where I will show you how to do Affiliate Marketing, Digital Advertising, Make Ebooks, Courses, Sell on all social media sites, Build a Brand , Build an online business I will teach you it all Yahsharal! so that you can Learn and teach your children. We have to become self sufficient and get away from these jobs as they are gonna try to Vaccinate us all and threaten our jobs soon. So Please subscibe here I will also be
PINTEREST UPDATE 2021, DID PINTEREST NEW METRICS THAT THEY RELEASED IN 2021 DESTROY YOUR ACCOUNT? ARE YOU LOSING 1000'S OF VIEWS A DAY? WATCH AS I PROVE THEY ARE DESTROYING ACCOUNTS AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT! #PINTEREST, #PINTERESTMETRICS2021,Are you tired of living in a poor mindset? Well you are in the right place!Welcome to YES YOU CAN! LIFEZONE. Learn how to Work from Home. Learn Digital Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Digital Advertising, How to open online stores. Stock dividends and stock invensting, real estate, online sales, making money online,. How to Brand yourself or your company. Learn how to sell on Ebay, Amazon and all online marketplaces. Look over my shoulder as I walk you through step by step to financial independence. Bringing you informative content in, Finances, Health, Spirituality, and any medium to help educate, enlighten and build you up. YES YOU CAN! Do anything that you put your mind to!SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS, EDUCATION IS FREE! #investing101 #investinginmyself, #valueinvesting, #investingforbeginners, #passiveincomeinvesting, #investing, YES YOU CAN LIFEZONE
Seneste kommentarer
4 flere år siden
I feeeel your pain. Yours is worse than mine. WOW Uncle Yahshuah, I am experiencing the same thing with my YOuTube channel. About 1000 views a day down to 350 a week. I pray you are baruch.
4 flere år siden
4 flere år siden
4 flere år siden
They are doing it to all conservatives across all liberal platforms. We are getting too much information out to the masses.
4 flere år siden