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The faith and hope of the true Hebrews

44 Visualizzazioni • 09/28/22
43 Iscritti

The faith and hope of the true Hebrews- In this video tutorial, "The Light of Zion"; explains the bases of our faith and hope as true Hebrew descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Ezra 9:9a " For although we are slaves, our God has not abandoned us in our slavery; Yes, although the Hebrews have long been subjected by our God to serve as slaves to the nations, Yahuwah our God has not abandoned us. Rather He is working out His will which He will bring to completion at the appointed time. The foundation of our faith and hope is based on the promises obtained from God by our ancestors Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and Yahushua the Christ. Moses, and the prophets all served as servants in this household of faith. Yahushua the Christ served as a son of God in this same household of faith.
The letter written for the Hebrew descendants from Abraham (Hebrews 3:6 ) reminded us that " Christ was faithful as a son over God’s house. We are His house if, indeed, we hold on firmly to our freeness of speech and the hope of which we boast down to the end."
Knowing and understanding how and what we need to do to be built up in this household of faith will help to make our faith and hope more secure.
Here are the things you must know. Watch and learn and be built up.
Pay attention as you watch this video. subscribe so that you can watch other related videos. It might save your life.
Prepping yourself for God's coming kingdom is the best way to ensure your survivability into the future. Prepare yourself so that you are on the symbolical Noah's ark. Listen and heed the warning from Yahuwah our God.
Awareness of what is foretold to occur and what is needed to survive is a vital part of preparing for the day of Yahuwah.
This video tutorial will help viewers be aware of things that were written that must occur and be done before God's kingdom arrives. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.

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