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Yahushua the messiah is the door for the sheep of Israel
Yahushua the messiah is the door for the sheep of Israel ThomasYah23324 32 Views • 2 years ago

Yahushua the messiah is the door for the sheep- In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; explains how the Hebrews -(The negros) descendants of the true Israel will return to the Promised land and kingdom territory of our God. Yahushua the Christ clearly declared that he is the door, and the means for regathering Israel's scattered descendants and restoring them back to the kingdom promised to them by God.
True Israel's descendants must seek for Yahuwah our God and Yahushua the son that He sent for the purpose of regathering the lost sheep of the house of Israel at the appointed time.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him and His words with faithfulness?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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How long until the disgusting thing is taken out of the way?
How long until the disgusting thing is taken out of the way? ThomasYah23324 32 Views • 2 years ago

How long until the disgusting thing is taken out of the way? - In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; Brings to light what is the disgusting thing that the prophet Daniel saw in the vision shown to him? Everyone from Israel's descendants has reasons to know about this disgusting thing and how long it will be in place before it is taken out of the way.
To the prophet Daniel it was revealed that after this disgusting thing; the holy place/land will be restored back to the holy ones -true Israel's descendants.
As we return to calling on the name of our God, His praises should also be in our mouths. We should keep in mind his appointed times and keep in expectation of Him.
True Israel's descendants must seek Yahuwah our God and Yahushua the son that He sent for the purpose of becoming their disciples. Then we will truly be shepherded and guided to the streams of living water -our God's word.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him and His words with faithfulness?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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